Sanitizing paints - Ivas
Ivas Industria vernici

Sanitizing paints - Ivas

Prodotti di alta qualità per la protezione, il ripristino e l’isolamento degli edifici.

 Sanitizing paints

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Ecological solutions for residential comfort

Complete range of interior paints that are formaldehyde-free, anti-condensation, and contain anti-mold additives, environmentally friendly and safe for human health.

A comprehensive line that disinfects and sanitizes surfaces from mold and algae thanks to Active technology, balancing temperature differences between surface, humidity, and air. With anti-condensation technology, it inhibits the formation of mold and algae, captures formaldehyde, and permanently covers moisture and smoke stains on walls. The Vitasana line aims to create healthy environments with high indoor air quality and superior living comfort through highly technological products with very low (or zero) emissions. ThVitasana ActiveVitasana Biosil Vitasana Therm paints have received the prestigious Eurofins Indoor Air Comfort (Gold) certification, the highest guarantee available in the market, which confirms the quality and compliance of the product's emissions with EU specifications and the requirements for sustainable building certificacions (such as Leed, Breeam, ecc).

Try Vitasana the range of interior paints recommended by industry experts.

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img Ivas Industria Vernici Spa
  • Via Bellaria, 40
  • 47030 San Mauro Pascoli (FC) - Italia
  • ph. +39 0541 815811
  • fax +39 0541 815815
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