The divisions of ivas - Ivas Industria Vernici

Gruppo Ivas industria vernici

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img The Companies of Ivas Group

We Add Value to the Building Industry

Ivas - Paint industry
Founded in 1953, Ivas is the group parent company and has a UNI EN ISO 9001 certified quality management system. The Ivas product range consists of processes and systems for protecting, restoring, insulating and decorating buildings. The company’s philosophy focuses on a simple concept: “High quality first and foremost”. The company, which boasts the highest quality standards in the sector, is currently made up of 5 divisions that operate in synergy to provide a comprehensive service to all of its partner clients in the building sector.
Aliva - Facade systems
Aliva, a UNI EN ISO 9001 certified company, develops customised solutions for the ventilated façades sector in response to specific requests and problems, by engineering and constructing all kinds of architectural concepts in the field of building envelope design. A strong commitment to the “tailored” approach is combined with a vast catalogue of original solutions, tried and tested in over thirty years of direct on-site experience: a know-how employed in the service of “made-to-measure” design, for finely tailored solutions to clothe the most daring of projects.
Ivas Iberica
Founded in 2022, Ivas Iberica represents the strategy of consolidation of IVAS Spa in the Spanish territory, a strategic market of particular interest, where the Italian company has been present for years and already a member of ANFAPA (Asociación de fabricantes de morteros y SATE). Ivas Iberica’s main aims are the strengthening of the relationship with Spanish customers and a greater and more widespread commercial penetration in the building finishes and thermal insulation markets, offering commercial and technical assistance’s services, as well as training courses for distributors, architects and application companies.
The divisions of ivas

Along with the leading companies in the field, Ivas is a founder member of Cortexa, a consortium for raising awareness of exterior insulation, with a focus on disseminating information rather than carrying out sales promotions. Cortexa is the only Italian founder member of the European Association for ETICS (EAE).
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Socio anit
Ivas is a member of ANIT, Associazione Nazionale per l’Isolamento Termico e acustico (National Thermal and Acoustic Insulation Association) whose purpose is to disseminate and promote the development of accurate scientific information on insulation in construction and industry as a means of safeguarding the environment and the wellbeing of the individual.
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Ivas is an associate of the Paints and Varnishes Group of AVISA, the Federchimica industry association representing manufacturers, that provides information and opportunities for discussion on standards, research and development, communication and market research.
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Ivas is a member of Anfapa, the industry association for the Spanish market for promoting exterior insulation systems as a way of saving energy and safeguarding the environment.
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Ivas Group joins the ambitious "ELITE" network of the Euronext Group of Borsa Italiana, an international network of entrepreneurs, Successful partners and investors focused on helping the best companies around the world turn corporate vision into strategic plans and concrete results. 
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img Ivas Industria Vernici Spa
  • Via Bellaria, 40
  • 47030 San Mauro Pascoli (FC) - Italia
  • ph. +39 0541 815811
  • fax +39 0541 815815
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