TermoK8 ® Insulated renders - Video Tutorial – Academy Ivas
Ivas Academy

TermoK8 ® Insulated renders - Video Tutorial – Academy Ivas

Tutorial video Ivas

tutorial videos

categories: TermoK8 ® Insulated renders
  • Installation of protection elements and containment profiles  
  • Solution of critical points  
  • Preparation of the substrate  
  • Mechanical fastening of the insulation layer  
  • Protecting and reinforcing the insulation layer  
  • Reinforced thin render  
  • TermoK8® Classico complete application  
  • TermoK8® Minerale L.V. complete application  
img Ivas Industria Vernici Spa
  • Via Bellaria, 40
  • 47030 San Mauro Pascoli (FC) - Italia
  • ph. +39 0541 815811
  • fax +39 0541 815815
  • info@gruppoivas.com
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