Glossy hydromalt wall, with excellent washability and high yield cover. Based on water-based acrylic resins and high-quality fillers, with a viscosity suitable to prevent leaks and splashes. Particularly suitable for public use. HACCP certificate therefore suitable for medical or food preparation. The product has obtained Eurofins certification for Indoor Air Comfort Gold to ensure that the product meets the requirements of low emissions, as well as the most relevant specifications in Europe; a sign of attention to the quality of a healthy indoor environment. For inside and outside.
Main properties:
Extremely washable;
Suitable for public spaces;
HACCP certified
Colour range:
White and Colours can be produced with the You Color tinting system
Type of Equipment:
brush, short-haired roller, airless spraying equipment
Water; 5-10% = 50-100 ml per litre of product
With the application of 2 coats: 7-8 m2/l (75-86 sq ft/l)
Coverage per pack:
(12 l): 96 m2, approx. Coverage varies according to substrate absorption.
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