Ideal for covering unevenness in the substrates. Given its good elasticity, it can be applied in very thick coats without showing cracking. Based on vinyl resins in dispersion, marble granules and quartz sand, with special additives that make it water-repellent and impart its characteristic appearance. For outdoor use.
Main properties:
Coarse-grained orange peel texture
Granulometry (EN 13300 / EN 1062):
Max. particle size: 0.6 mm; Average dry film thickness: ; from 1.5 mm to 4 mm
Thermal conductivity (λ) (EN 1745):
λ=0.93 W/(mK)
Colour range:
White and Colours can be achieved with the You Color tinting system
Type of Equipment:
metal trowel, honeycomb sponge roller
Water; Ready to use
With the application of 1 coat: 3-3.5 Kg/m2
Coverage per pack:
(25Kg): 8.3 m2, approx. Coverage varies according to the roughness of the substrate.
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