Ready to use cement compound for vertical repairs composed of hydraulic binders and inert materials (max. particle size 0.8 mm), reinforced with polyamide fibres. It is easy to work. It is highly adhesive, durable, waterproof, has outstanding mechanical and chemical resistance features and does not shrink. The quick setting makes this mortar suitable in those cases where the restoration is to be finished quickly and where the work is localized: shelters, balconies, etc..For indoor and outdoor use.
Main properties:
Quick Setting
Granulometry (EN 13300 / EN 1062):
Colour range:
Dark grey
Type of Equipment:
spatula, mason's trowel, mechanical low speed mixer
Mixing Ratio:
19% with water; 4.75 Litres per 25Kg package
19 kg/m2 per mm of thickness
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