Elastomeric paints with high filling power and resistant to dirt.
Ivas Industria vernici

Paints with high filling power and resistant to dirt

Prodotti di alta qualità per la protezione, il ripristino e l’isolamento degli edifici.

 Eliminating cracks

The elastic and waterproofing paints of IVAS are suitable for the elimination of caving and specially developed to withstand the movements of the wall and the oscillations of the building. The paints for exterior possess excellent features that make the painting waterproof and highly resistant to dirt. They prevent the formation of cavings, moulds, algae and represent the most effective and durable solution to restore and protect damaged building facades from cracking or cracking.

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img Ivas Industria Vernici Spa
  • Via Bellaria, 40
  • 47030 San Mauro Pascoli (FC) - Italia
  • ph. +39 0541 815811
  • fax +39 0541 815815
  • info@gruppoivas.com
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